Advanced Features
Last Update setahun yang lalu
Shareio has an array of advanced features which are broken down here.
- Easily password protect your content by entering a password which then forces the user to enter the password before the content opens.
- Lock your content so it can only be opened on a specific domain this provides great security.
- If you wish to blur your content this can be done and an additional option allow it to be unblurred when the content is clicked or pressed on. Blurring will be removed on activation/purchase.
- Welcome your viewer with a custom pop-up message, maybe remind them to purchase to remove any restrictions.
Shareio Marketplace:
- Easily add your content to the Shareio marketplace.
Notify Update:
- If you do an update to your content you can either do it silently or notify the user with a banner notification.
Social Share Links:
- Make your content more easy to share by placing social share button on the viewing window.
Mobile App View Only:
- If you want greater security then this prevents your content being opened in a web browser. This content can only be viewed in the Shareio App. A simple QR code scanner allows it to be viewed from a desktop page or link on the mobile.
- After a purchase you can optionally allow the end user to download the original content to their device.
Hide Banner:
- Hide the Shareio banner this will also hide any view restrictions from the end user.
Age-restricted Warning:
- If you have age restricted content then it's a good idea to enable this option.
Detect Debugger:
- All browsers allow debugging on a webpage. This option prevents debugging of the page but please use with caution as it can sometimes cause issues depending on the browser setup.
Checkout this video to show more on the advanced features in Shareio.